In the last week or so, a couple interesting things have happened. I am now taking piano lessons twice a week (thanks to my Rotary Club here). I was really missing the piano, and its great to be playing again. I'm a little rusty, but not bad. I'm learning how to read sheet music better now too.
Also, I got good news from the Westerville Sunrise Rotary Club back home. My host club here is doing a project against Tuberculosis, which is still a problem here. They are trying to raise money to buy several machines to detect TB in patients early. But they are really expensive ($8,000 each, and they are buying 6). I thought that this was a great project, and I wanted to get involved somehow. So three months ago, in October, I wote a letter to the Rotary clubs at home, describing the project, and asking if they could help with some sort of donation for the project. Not only would this help my host club, and the people here suffering from TB, but it would also help create a bond of friendship between two international Rotary clubs. And that's what the Youth exchange program is all about, is being ambassadors of goodwill, and connecting people from around the world. Anyway, over the past three months, I was in contact with my sponsoring club at home, sending them updates on teh project, and scanned newspaper articles describing the project. The Westerville Sunrise Club just had a board meeting a week or two ago, and they discussed the project, and decided to donate $1,000 to the TB fund. Not only that, but they want to work together with my host club to set up a matching grant for next year so they might be able to give an even larger amount next year! This is an exciting step for both clubs, and for myself. My thanks goes to the president of the Westerville Sunrise Club, Walter Lundsrom, for working with me on this and championing the cause to the board, and of course my thanks also goes to the board, for without them, this wouldnt have been possible. Thank you all! Over these last three months, I had not told my host club about this, and last week, I presented this information to my club and they were overjoyed. It was a great and pleasant surprise for them.
On another note, on Feb 10, I went to a concert of a Russian rock group named Сплин (Spleen). They have an unusual style, but it is original, and I enjoyed the concert. It was funny though, becasue the lead singer sounds like a Russian Adam Sandler.
We are occasionally starting to get some warm days (-7 degrees), whihch is really nice. I never thought that I would consider -7 warm, but now I do. I have less than a month until my birthday, and also less than a month until I depart for a month-long trip to Nakhodka, Vladivostok, Moscow, and St. Petersburg. It will be great, because it will be the very first time that I have left the city since I arrived five and a half months ago. It will be nice to finally get out and see a different part of Russia. I'm counting down the days until my departure on my first trip here, which sould be the 10th or 11th of March. It will also be the first time that I get to see other exchange students since I arrived. I'm still on break from school right now, until the 24th. Most of my friends are all busy with school right now, so its hard to get together with them. But in general, things are still going well here for me.